JB Travel
Empakai Crater
Desde US$1,401

Empakai Crater

Pacote de Férias
Criado: sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2024
Ref ID: 6823928
Preço total Desde US$2,801
Criado: sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2024
Mais fotos (2)

Day 1: Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Assistance and transfer by light aircraft to Lake Manyara airport. Arrival and departure by road to the NGORONGORO CONSERVATION AREA. We will visit a Maasai Boma or Maasai village to experience first hand their ancestral traditions and way of life in the Ngorongoro area, our next destination for tonight. We arrive at the impressive camp, hanging over the Ngorongoro Crater, by road. The arrival is accompanied by the smell of wood smoke. Spacious private tents with absolutely all the comforts of a good hotel is undoubtedly the modern experience that most resembles the first expeditions of the pioneer hunters and adventurers exploring an unknown Africa. A sense of unpretentious authenticity is palpable, with huge handmade double beds covered in pristine white cotton down comforters to ward off the cold nights. A large bathroom is set up in the back, with showers that are buckets suspended in mid-air. The team is quick to offer guests all the comfort of safaris of yesteryear: a campfire, a potent symbol of life in the African bush, shooting upwards against the pink of the setting sun, is a palpable sign that the long day of safari is over and it's time to relax, hot water carefully carried to each tent for a well-deserved shower! and finally, a formal dinner, long table set with great detail, crystal, porcelain and illuminated by candlelight, and of course garnished with safari stories. The camp becomes even more spectacular at night with dozens of lanterns illuminating the camp and the tinkling of the ice that will accompany a drink as the sun sets or simply enjoying the wonderful African skies in the dark around the campfire. Old-fashioned safari paraphernalia with exotic touches is palpable in every corner of this camp. With private bathrooms and showers in each tent.

Day 2: Ngorongoro Conservation Area

With the first rays of the sun we descend in 4x4 vehicles into the interior of the Ngorongoro Caldera for our game drive. No other reserve offers a spectacle as grandiose as the Ngorongoro Crater. A volcanic caldera 600 meters deep and more than 20 kilometers in diameter, it contains the largest "permanent" concentration of wildlife in Africa. Here wild animals and Masai herders cohabit. Spectacular landscape, inhabited by more than 40,000 Maasai herders, dominated by the Rift Valley and the nine volcanoes of Ngorongoro that began more than 4 million years ago. The only one that is currently active is Oldoinyo Lengai, the mountain of god for the Maasai. The Ngorongoro crater, a giant volcano that in its time was perhaps higher than Kilimanjaro itself, allows thousands of wildebeest, zebras, buffalo, gazelles, lions... to graze in its interior, which unlike in the Serengeti do not migrate due to the continuous presence of water in the area that assures their permanent sustenance. And after our unique and exclusive experience inside the caldera of the so-called volcano of Eden, we direct our steps towards another majestic volcano, EMPAKAI volcano. A trek to the lake of this majestic volcano will put the finishing touch of the day, with thousands of flamingos in their migratory season, will offer us scenarios of wild nature in a day of safari simply perfect.

Day 3:

A walk through the Ngorongoro ecosystem accompanied by a Masai will help us understand the interesting symbiosis that occurs between tourism and this conservation area where Masai life and wildlife coexist in total harmony. Departure to Arusha. Transfer to the international airport.

Preço total Desde US$2,801
Reserve diretamente sem alterações
Resumo da viagem
2 Adultos
noites 2
Essa idéia inclui
Destinos 2
Acomodações 1
Circuitos 1
Resumo do passeio
Idiomas do guia
- Guía-conductor de habla hispana en Tanzania.
- En Tanzania, el traslado desde el aeropuerto puede ser con guía de habla inglesa.
- Avioneta Arusha – Lago Manyara.
- Nature walk en el Area de Conservación del Ngorongoro.
- Trekking al volcán Empakai.
- Transporte en vehículo 4x4 Land Cruiser EN PRIVADO PARA 2 o 4 o 6 PERSONAS especialmente preparado para safari durante todo el recorrido.
- TENTED CAMP: NGORONGORO. Todos los safaris y té y café incluido.
- Todos los safaris en 4x4.
- Vehículos 4X4 en el Cráter del Ngorongoro.
- Visita poblado Masai.
- Pensión completa durante todo el safari.
- Agua embotellada durante toda la actividad de safari dentro de los parques.
- Entrada al Area de Conservación.
- Tasas de alojamiento dentro de la Reserva Nacional.
- Seguro Flying Doctors y seguro personal de viaje
- Vuelo internacional.
- Tasas de aeropuerto
- Tasas locales
- Visado de Tanzania.
- Actividades opcionales
- Propinas.
- Todo lo no especificado en el apartado Incluye.
Acomodações planejadas

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